







World Metrology Day Events

Below is the list of those 2021 World Metrology Day
events we have been notified of.

To view last year's events, please click here.

To request publication of your event,
please e-mail us a brief summary in Word,
your logo and a web site link.


  1. Argentina (INTI)
  2. Australia (NMIA)
  3. Belgium (SMD)
  4. Brazil (INMETRO)
  5. Bulgaria (BIM)
  6. Chinese Taipei (BSMI)
  7. Colombia (SIC-INM)
  8. Consultative Committee for Ionizing Radiation (CCRI)
  9. Democratic Republic of the Congo (APROMEN)
  10. Ecuador (INEN)
  11. Gabon (AGANOR)
  12. Inter American Metrology System (SIM)
  13. Iran (NMCI)
  14. Italy (INRiM)
  15. Joint Committee for Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (JCTLM)
  16. Metrology For All (MFA)
  17. Mexico (CENAM)
  18. Mexico (Etalons)
  1. Montenegro (BoM)
  2. Morocco (LPEE-LNM)
  3. New Zealand (MSL)
  4. Panama (CENAMEP)
  5. Peru (INACAL)
  6. Portugal (IPQ)
  7. Russian Federation (ROSTEST)
  8. Russian Federation (VNIIMS/VNIIM)
  9. Saint Lucia (SLBS)
  10. Saudi Arabia (NMCC)
  11. Singapore (NMC)
  12. Spain (CEM)
  13. Sri Lanka (MUSSD)
  14. Sweden (RISE)
  15. Switzerland (METAS)
  16. Uzbekistan (UzNIM)
  17. United Kingdom (OPSS)
  18. United States (NCSLI)


Argentina (INTI)

Posted: 2021-05-05 @ 17:45 UTC+2


2021 Día Mundial de la Metrología en Argentina

Bienvenidos al Día Internacional de la Metrología 2021: Mediciones para la Salud Este tema fue elegido para crear conciencia sobre el rol clave que juega la Metrología en la salud y en el bienestar de las personas.

El Día Internacional de la Metrología es una celebración anual de la firma de la Convención del Metro el 20 de mayo de 1875, por representantes de diecisiete naciones, entre ellas la Argentina. La Convención define el marco de la colaboración global en la ciencia de las mediciones y en sus aplicaciones en la industria, el comercio y la sociedad en general. El objetivo original de la Convención del Metro- contribuir a la uniformidad de las mediciones a nivel global mantiene hoy su relevancia, tal como en 1875.

El Día Internacional de la Metrología es organizado conjuntamente por el Bureau Internacional de Pesas y Medidas (BIPM), y la Organización Internacional de Metrología Legal (OIML). El INTI, como Instituto Nacional de Metrología en la Argentina, se suma a esta celebración con la presente jornada.


  • “Desarrollo de herramientas para la verificación de métodos de diagnóstico molecular de SARS-CoV-2” por Romina Buenaventura del Departamento de Virología del Instituto Malbrán.
  • “¿Sirven los termómetros infrarrojos para medir la temperatura corporal?” por Marcelo Jimenez Rebagliati del Departamento de Termodinámica del INTI.
  • “Trazabilidad metrológica en equipamiento electromédico” por Silvia Diaz Monnier de la Dirección Técnica de Electrónica de INTI.
  • “La calidad de los medicamentos a través del desarrollo de materiales de referencia” por Laura Hermida, subgerenta de Industria y Servicios del INTI.

Mas información en https://www.argentina.gob.ar/noticias/mediciones-para-la-salud-0


2021 World Metrology Day in Argentina

INTI, as the NMI in Argentina, is organizing an event as a way to participate in the World Metrology Day celebration.

May 20th, 12.30-14.30 UTC

Talks (in Spanish):

  • Development of tools for the verification of molecular diagnosis methods of SARS-CoV-2” Romina Buenaventura Virology Department, Malbrán Institute.
  • Are infrared thermometers capable for measuring body temperature?”, Marcelo Jimenez Rebagliati, Termodynamics Department, INTI.
  • Metrological Traceability in electro medic equipment”, Silvia Diaz Monnier,  Technical Direction of Electronics, NTI.
  • Medicine quality through the development of reference materials”, Laura Hermida, Vice manager of Industry and Services, INTI.

More information can be found at https://www.argentina.gob.ar/noticias/mediciones-para-la-salud-0


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Australia (NMIA)

Posted: 2021-05-17 @ 11:25 UTC+2


Join NMIA for the World Metrology Day virtual celebrations on 20 May

The National Measurement Institute Australia (NMIA) will be celebrating World Metrology Day on 20 May 2021 with a live webinar at 2:00 pm (AEST).

The webinar will feature presentations by NMIA experts on how measurement can support healthcare to provide optimal health outcomes. Topics to be covered include:

  • innovations in response to COVID-19
  • calibration of medical devices
  • analysis of medicinal cannabis (TGO93 and TGO100)
  • DNA reference materials
  • measurement of PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) in the health of bees

We also have a speaker from Water Research Australia talking about the ColoSSoS Project, a collaboration with NMI on sewage surveillance of SARS-CoV-2.

We will end with an interactive panel discussion where participants can present their views and ask questions.

Please email communications@measurement.gov.au by 19 May if you’d like to join the webinar.


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Belgium (SMD)

Posted: 2021-05-07 @ 16:50 UTC+2


2021 World Metrology Day in Belgium

On this occasion's workshop, SMD (Belgium) are thrilled to welcome colleagues from the SCIENSANO and CEN∙SCK institutes, who will talk about recent metrological developments in the fields of food & nutrition and radiation dosimetry for health applications.

Next, members of the Belgian Scientific (SMD) and Legal Metrology (MetReg) services will depict examples of their metrological endeavours in the service of health. The workshop will end with round table discussions about the mainstream metrological trends and future challenges.

For the detailed programme, please download the information sheet.


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Brazil (INMETRO)

Posted: 2021-05-11 @ 09:40 UTC+2


Measurement for Health in Inmetro 4.0

“Measurement for Health” is the theme for this year’s World Metrology Day. It is an opportunity to remember the important role that measurement plays in the health and well-being of each one of us: in scientific discovery and innovation, in industrial manufacturing and international trade, in improving the quality of life and protecting the environment.

To celebrate the date, INMETRO will discuss the role of metrology in the current context, the new challenges, and present how the Institute has been acting in this new scenario.

Online Event - Zoom Platform - May 20th, 2021 starting at 10am.

For more information and the full programme please click here.


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Bulgaria (BIM)

Posted: 2021-05-18 @ 12:20 UTC+2


2021 World Metrology Day in Bulgaria

On May 20th, the Bulgarian Institute of Metrology (BIM), the Union of the Metrologists in Bulgaria (UMB), and the State Agency for Metrological and Technical Surveillance (SAMTS) are organizing an online World Metrology Day event entitled Measurement for Health.

The Deputy Minister of Economy, Mrs. Yana Balnikova, representatives of the Ministry of Economy, the Bulgarian Institute of Standardization, calibration and/or testing laboratories, the Technical University of Sofia, the Bulgarian Accreditation Service as well as former colleagues involved in metrology activities, and producers of measuring instruments, are invited to participate in this year’s event.

The program includes several brief presentations in the field of medical devices with a measuring function to be given by the President of BIM, Mrs. Snezhana Spasova, and colleagues from the IR-laboratory. A special presentation in the field of biological measurements for human health will be given by Prof.Tsv. Georgieva from the National Centre of Public Health and Analyses to the Ministry of Health.

Metrologists with significant contributions to the science of measurement and its application over the past year will be awarded.

To participate in the event on 20th May via Webex, please click here.


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Chinese Taipei (BSMI)

Posted: 2021-07-28 @ 11:55 UTC+2


World Metrology Day Events in Taiwan

Together with all the national measurement institutes around the world, the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI), Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) celebrated “World Metrology Day” on May 20th.

To respond to the 2021 theme “Measurement for Health”, a video has been published entitled “Precise Measurement Guarding Health” to address the issues of “COVID-19 epidemic prevention” and “health”, and also to express respect to all the measurement institutes and staff.

BSMI has demonstrated many good metrology technologies for epidemic prevention and health, including:

  • the portable clinical thermometer calibrator,
  • measurement technologies for ventilator pressure and flow,
  • a measurement system of the key parameters of ultraviolet sterilization products, and
  • precise dose ionizing radiation.

The objective was to increase public awareness of the importance of metrology in health issues, and to demonstrate the outcomes of developing health-related measurement technologies.

For more information, please visit our website: www.nml.org.tw/en/world-metrology-day.html and www.nml.org.tw/world-metrology-day.html.

We have also made a short film about measurement and health: Click here.

The BSMI Safeguards Your Health with State-of-the-Art Measurement Technology: www.bsmi.gov.tw/wSite/ct?xItem=95366&ctNode=9758&mp=2


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Colombia (SIC-INM)

Posted: 2021-04-30 @ 09:45 UTC+2


2021 Día Mundial de la Metrología en Colombia

El Instituto Nacional de Metrología y la Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio tienen el gusto de invitarles a participar del evento de celebración del Día Mundial de la Metrología el próximo 20 de mayo. Para esta fecha hemos preparado un evento virtual con conferencias relacionadas con el tema Mediciones para la salud. El evento es de inscripción gratuita.

Mayor información en las páginas web del instituto  www.inm.gov.co, de la Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio www.sic.gov.co o a través del correo contacto@inm.gov.co.


2021 World Metrology Day in Colombia  

The National Institute of Metrology and the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce of Colombia are pleased to invite you to participate in the event to celebrate World Metrology Day on May 20. For this date we have prepared a virtual event with conferences related to the theme Measurements for health. The event is free to register.

More information is available on the web pages of the institute www.inm.gov.co the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce www.sic.gov.co or by email to contacto@inm.gov.co.


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Consultative Committee for Ionizing Radiation (CCRI)

Posted: 2021-05-05 @ 15:50 UTC+2


BIPM/CCRI Workshop: Metrology for Radionuclide Therapy

Safe and effective cancer therapy using ionizing radiation is only possible due to accurate measurement of the radiation dose delivered to the tumour and surrounding tissues. These measurements are particularly complex for radionuclide therapy and involve measuring the activity of the radionuclide administered to the patient, determining the distribution of the radiopharmaceutical in the body and estimating the radiation dose delivered. This field, which combines biology, dosimetry and radionuclide metrology, is at an early stage.

To mark World Metrology Day, the Consultative Committee for Ionizing Radiation (CCRI) and the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) are organizing a workshop on metrology for radionuclide therapy. The aim is to identify the current needs and gaps in metrology. Speakers are from the NIST, the University of Würzburg, the Medical University of Marburg, the NPL and the IAEA.

The workshop will be held on 20 May 2021, 11:00-13:00 UTC. Please register in advance on this link.


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Democratic Republic of the Congo (APROMEN)

Posted: 2021-05-20 @ 11:30 UTC+2


2021 World Metrology Day in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Association for the Promotion of Metrology and Standardization (in French "Association pour la promotion de la métrologie et la normalisation"), APROMEN in short, have produced a comprehensive document (in French) summarizing legal metrology activities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

To download the document, please click here.


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Ecuador (INEN)

Posted: 2021-05-17 @ 11:10 UTC+2


2021 Día Mundial de la Metrología en el Ecuador

Por el Día Mundial de la Metrología, el Ministerio de Producción, Comercio Exterior Inversiones y Pesca (MPCEIP) y el Servicio Ecuatoriano de Normalización (INEN), les extienden una cordial invitación a participar en las Conferencias Virtuales que se realizará el día 20 de mayo de 2021.

El tema de este año es: “Mediciones para la Salud”, destacando la importancia que tiene la ciencia de la medición en la salud y bienestar de cada uno de nosotros, más ahora, en donde el mundo se enfrenta a la pandemia de COVID-19.

Estas conferencias virtuales serán impartidas por expertos internacionales y nacionales, entre ellos expertos del Laboratorio Nacional de Metrología del INEN, así que lo invitamos a ingresar a través del link https://bit.ly/3ofUKcc y confirmar su participación.

Para mayor información puedes ingresar a www.normalizacion.gob.ec


2021 World Metrology Day in Ecuador

For World Metrology Day, the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fisheries (MPCEIP) and the Ecuadorian Standardization Service (INEN) extend a cordial invitation to participate in the Virtual Conferences to be held on May 20, 2021.

This year’s theme is: "Measurement for Health", highlighting the importance of the science of measurement in the health and welfare of each of us, especially now, as the world is facing the COVID-19 pandemic.

These virtual conferences will be given by international and national experts, including experts from the National Metrology Laboratory of INEN, so we invite you to enter through the link https://bit.ly/3ofUKcc  and confirm your participation.

For more information, please visit www.normalizacion.gob.ec


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Gabon (AGANOR)

Posted: 2021-05-07 @ 16:10 UTC+2


2021 Evenèment au Gabon

Etant membre de l’OIML, le Gabon à travers l’AGANOR ne saurait rester en marge de la célébration de cette manifestation internationale. C’est à cette occasion entre autres que l’AGANOR vulgarise les métiers et principales missions relatives au système national de métrologie.

L'objectif principal est de sensibiliser les participants sur le rôle de la métrologie dans les domaines de la santé et son impact sur le bien-être de la population. Les Objectifs spécifiques sont:

- Identifier les besoins métrologiques dans les laboratoires d’analyses médicales ;
- Identifier les besoins liés à l’utilisation des instruments de mesure dans différents domaines de la santé ;
- Exposer sur l’importance du contrôle, de la vérification primitive et régulière, ainsi que la fiabilité des étalonnages des instruments pour les analyses.

Pour le programme complet, cliquez ici.

Pour visionner la vidéo d'une interview télévisée, cliquez ici.


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Inter American Metrology System (SIM)

Posted: 2021-05-05 @ 23:05 UTC+2


2021 SIM Event - Measurement for Health

A SIM event is planned to share experiences on health challenges for metrology, including the COVID-19 pandemic in the Americas region. 

More information can be found in this document and at https://sim-metrologia.org/.


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Iran (NMCI)

Posted: 2021-06-10 @ 08:25 UTC+2


2021 World Metrology Day in Iran

On June 2nd 2021, the National Metrology Centre of Iran (NMCI) organized a Webinar to celebrate World Metrology Day under the theme “Measurement for Health”. The Forum ran from 4:30 a.m. UTC to 7:30 a.m. UTC and consisted of different sessions of short talks and presentations.

Regarding this year's theme for World Metrology Day, we drew attention to the important role of measurements in health in the current global crisis due to the spread of the coronavirus. In this regard, NMCI has published a brochure for those who focus on health care and metrology.

We held this year's conference in person with a small number of people (maximum 20) and online with more than 140 people including calibration and test laboratories experts, producers of weighing tools, university professors, and research centers. Activities of the forum were conducted by the short talks of MCI Director, Ahad Mohammadi Livari, and ISIRI President, Dr. Gholamreza Shariati. Then vice president for scientific and technological affairs made a presentation. We also had two special presenters, BIML Assistant Director, Ian Dunmill, and TUBITAK UME head of Bioanalysis Laboratory, Assoc. Prof. Müslüm AKGÖZ.

To see the photographs, please click here.


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Italy (INRiM)

Posted: 2021-05-17 @ 10:35 UTC+2


2021 World Metrology Day in Italy

On 20 May INRiM will celebrate World Metrology Day by showing its research in the framework of health with a series of events.

The celebrations will start in the morning with the Conference “INRiM: present and future of metrology for health”, where the researchers will present and discuss the work INRiM is carrying out with its stakeholders.

In the afternoon, two Workshops will be organized:

- “Health and Metrology: a journey through diagnostics and therapeutic techniques” and

- “Health and Metrology: a journey through food safety, virus (SARS-CoV-2) and advanced microscopy”.

INRiM’s research will be presented and a debate will take place with the participating scientists. At the end of the day, a live social event is the occasion to present the strong bond between health and metrology and the recent results obtained in that research field.

On 19 May, a preview will be organized for schools and universities to engage students of all ages.

Download the detailed programme for 19th May: Click here

Download the detailed programme for 20th May: Click here


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Joint Committee for Traceability
in Laboratory Medicine (JCTLM)

Posted: 2021-05-18 @ 12:35 UTC+2


The Joint Committee for Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (JCTLM) is celebrating World Metrology Day on 20 May 2021.

The JCTLM is an international consortium that promotes the global standardization of clinical laboratory test results, and provides information on reference materials, reference measurement methods and services that are available from around the world. 

The aim of JCTLM is to support world-wide comparability, reliability and equivalence of measurement results in laboratory medicine, for the purpose of improving health care and facilitating national and international trade in in vitro diagnostic devices, by:

  • promoting the concept of traceability of measurement results to the Système International d’Unités (SI) or, where necessary, to other internationally agreed references;
  • evaluating reference materials, reference measurement procedures and reference measurement services for laboratory medicine with respect to conformity with appropriate international standards;
  • producing educational materials and activities promoting the value of traceability in laboratory medicine and raising awareness amongst stakeholders;
  • promoting close links between Reference Laboratories in Laboratory Medicine and National Metrology Institutes;
  • facilitating the identification and prioritization of measurands requiring international traceability and comparability and thereby encouraging appropriate organizations to accept responsibility for the development of suitable reference methods and measurement procedures and certified reference materials;
  • encouraging the in vitro diagnostic (IVD) industry to apply the agreed reference measurement systems;
  • encouraging EQAS organizers to apply the agreed reference measurement systems. 

Watch the videos on measurements in Laboratory Medicine for broader perspectives on the importance of metrological traceability in laboratory medicine for individual patients and for risk assessments in populations.

For the poster and links to presentations, please click here.

Link: https://www.bipm.org/en/committees/jc/jctlm/jctlm-wmd-2021


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Metrology For All (MFA)

Posted: 2021-05-17 @ 11:50 UTC+2


2021 "Metrology for All” Webinar

On the occasion of World metrology Day on 20 May 2021, the “Metrology for All” platform has arranged an exciting program. The team of volunteers will participate in several activities during our World Metrology Day 2021 Live Webinar!

Join the Metrology For All live Webinar on 20 May by clicking this link.

Session 1 in Arabic | 12:00 - 2:00 PM
Session 2 in English | 2:30 - 4:00 PM (GMT +2)


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Mexico (CENAM)

Posted: 2021-05-06 @ 23:30 UTC+2


"Virtual Open-doors Day" in CENAM México to celebrate World Metrology Day

For the last 11 years, World Metrology Day has been celebrated at CENAM allowing access to the public, opening the doors of CENAM laboratories to all those interested in metrology and experiencing scientific activities, from children to adults.

This event has been of increasing interest to the population of Mexico; in view of the health emergency caused by the SARS-CoV2 in 2020 two related events were held: a two-day event in collaboration with international metrology companies, and a one-day virtual event to serve all interested parties with a peak of 800 concurrent participants.

Last year allowed us to strengthen the collaboration with other leading organizations and the academia to help provide solutions in the pandemic situation. This year we are glad to have invited speakers from these collaboration projects in addition to speakers from CENAM.

Repeating the last years’ experience, this year we have organized a virtual Open Day that will allow us to safely serve an even larger audience: on Thursday 20 and Friday 21 May 2021 there will be remote conferences and virtual visits to CENAM laboratories. We are pleased to invite you through the following link to the activities that we have prepared: http://www.cenam.mx/pabiertas/

Contact email: afiguero@cenam.mx


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Mexico (Etalons)

Posted: 2021-04-20 @ 18:10 UTC+2


2021 World Metrology Day in Monterrey – Mexico

The Metrology Laboratory ETALONS, in coordination with the Technical Education College of SLP (CONALEP-SLP), will celebrate “World Metrology Day”. This important celebration will be held at the CONALEP Villa de Reyes Campus, on May 20th, 2021. A series of conferences will take place from May 20th to May 22th. The theme for World Metrology Day 2021 – Measurement for Health – will be presented virtually as an opening session by Roberto Benitez ETALONS Director, to the CONALEP students and to the general community in México.

For more information, contact: contacto@biometrologia.com    www.etalons.com.mx


Día Mundial de la Metrología 2021 en Monterrey – México

El Laboratorio de Metrología ETALONS en coordinación con el Colegio de Educación Profesional Técnica de SLP, celebra nuevamente el “Día Mundial de la Metrología”. Esta importante celebración se llevará a cabo en el Auditorio del CONALEP Plantel Villa de Reyes, S.L.P. el día 20 de Mayo del 2021. Se realizará una serie de conferencias los días 20, 21 y 22. El tema Mediciones para la Salud, será presentado virtualmente por el Ing. Roberto Benitez, Director de ETALONS, para los alumnos del CONALEP y para la comunidad en general en México.

Para más información, contacte: contacto@biometrologia.com     www.etalons.com.mx


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Montenegro (BoM)

Posted: 2021-06-04 @ 12:30 UTC+2


2021 World Metrology Day in Montenegro

On the occasion of World Metrology Day 2021, the Bureau of Metrology, Montenegro published a new brochure for students, teachers and professors of primary and secondary schools, students and professors of the Medical Faculty of the University of Montenegro, but also for all those who focus on health care or influence decision-making which is important for health protection.

The brochure entitled "Measurement for Health" presents the activities of the Bureau of Metrology and national calibration laboratories, metrology as a science and its importance in various fields, and especially its application in the field of health.

In previous years, to mark World Metrology Day the Bureau of Metrology organized an event called "Open Days" during which our institution was visited by students, teachers and professors.
Considering that during 2021, in order to respect the epidemiological measures, we are not able to organize visits to the Bureau of Metrology laboratories, we decided to acquaint educational and other relevant institutions with our work, and the importance and application of metrology in everyday life.

With the exception of primary and secondary schools in Montenegro, the brochure was distributed to the competent ministries and other state administration bodies, general and specialist hospitals, health centers, university members and non-governmental organizations involved in the promotion of science.

You can view the brochure in English at this link and in Montenegrin at this link.

In addition, we produced a short video from our national calibration laboratories, which can be found here

The video, as well as the brochure, were published on the Bureau of Metrology website www.metrologija.me, as well as on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.


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Morocco (LPEE-LNM)

Posted: 2021-05-11 @ 17:00 UTC+2


World Metrology Day 2021 in Morocco

Following the example of many organizations in charge of metrology in the world, the Moroccan Ministry of Industry, Trade, Green and Digital Economy “MICEVN” and the National Metrology Institute “LPEE-LNM”, part of the Public Laboratory for Tests and Studies, will be celebrating World Metrology Day.

On this occasion, we have the honor to share with you an Achievements report over an unprecedented year 2020, marked by the COVID-19 pandemic throughout the world, for whom the only concern, for the moment, is to recover quickly and effectively from its health and socio-economic impact.

A number of achievements will be announced, and the full list can be downloaded in English and in French here.


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New Zealand (MSL)

Posted: 2021-05-24 @ 11:15 UTC+2


2021 World Metrology Day in New Zealand

The Measurement Standards Laboratory of New Zealand hosted an event on Thursday 20th May 2021 to celebrate World Metrology Day that doubled as an official opening for our new laboratory building.

The website page has all the details and also some images from the event.


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Panama (CENAMEP)

Posted: 2021-05-17 @ 10:20 UTC+2


World Metrology Day 2021 in Panama

To celebrate World Metrology Day 2021 in Panama, CENAMEP AIP and the National Metrology Council have organized a Virtual Forum named “WMD – Measurement for Health”.

The Forum will run from 14:00 UTC to 17:30 UTC on 20 May, and will consist of three different sessions of short talks, allowing an opportunity for the whole metrological community to participate.

The first session will be led by the NMI (Centro Nacional de Metrología de Panamá, Asociación de Interés Público - CENAMEP AIP) and the talks will focus on the Science of Metrology:

  • A brief history of World Metrology Day,
  • The various health-related metrological projects being implemented by SIM throughout the Americas,
  • The most common metrological errors in medical diagnosis,
  • The measures involved in mechanical-assisted respiratory systems, and
  • A brief on a research project named “Biologically Inspired Fault Tolerant Control Systems”.    

The middle session will be led by the secondary laboratories and will include talks regarding:

  • The harmonization of our local laboratory network,
  • The importance of biomedical metrology in modern health, and
  • The validation of the accuracy of infrared thermometers when used on the human body.

The final session will be led by the local distributors and will give them an opportunity to promote their metrological equipment or services related to health issues and will include:

  • A talk about indoor environmental air quality measurements,
  • The equipment used for environmental air quality measurements, and
  • A talk on the FLUKE biomedical equipment used to control mechanical-assisted respiratory systems.

All three sessions will include an opportunity for Q&A. To register and to download the event programme, please visit https://www.cenamep.org.pa


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Posted: 2021-05-04 @ 13:15 UTC+2


VI Metrology Week and XII Metrology Symposium in Peru

As part of the commemorative activities, each year INACAL’s Metrology Directorate holds the Metrology Symposium in Peru, and this year its XII edition (online) will feature national and international exhibitors.

This Symposium is aimed at experts, professionals and technicians of calibration and testing laboratories, industrial companies, professors and students of engineering and scientific universities interested in learning about the recent advances in metrology worldwide, and their applications in measurements of various physical and chemical quantities used in various fields of technology, industry, science, among others.

The Directorate of Metrology, as part of the celebrations for World Metrology Day, is also organizing the VI Metrology Week (online), an event that seeks to complement the already classic annual Symposium of Metrology with conferences and free training.

For more information, visit this link or download the information file here.



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Portugal (IPQ)

Posted: 2021-05-05 @ 12:45 UTC+2


World Metrology Day 2021 in Portugal

On May 20, IPQ is organizing a Webinar to celebrate World Metrology Day under the theme “Measurement for Health”.

This year we will also have a presentation given by Tobias Schaffter from the PTB and another one given by Annemoon Timmerma from UMCU.

Bearing in mind this year’s theme and its importance which we all recognize today, it is our objective to raise awareness of the importance and contribution of metrology in the field of health measurements, either through R&D activities or also by ensuring traceability, directly or indirectly, to the instrumentation used.

Please click here to download the full program.


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Russian Federation (ROSTEST)

Posted: 2021-05-18 @ 00:05 UTC+2



World Metrology Day 2021 in the Russian Federation - Rostest Moscow

Rosstandart, together with Rostest-Moscow, is holding a conference on 20 May on the basis of the All-Russian permanent exhibition of achievements of Russian metrologists on the MetrolOnline platform.

Within the framework of the exhibition, a conference in the Zoom-room format will be held on the MetrolOnline platform, which will be attended by representatives of Rosstandart, BIPM, GNMI, GRCM, COOMET, representatives of industrial enterprises, manufacturers of measuring instruments. 

The goals of the conference this year are:

1. Raise awareness of the importance of measurement in maintaining health.
2. Digital transformation of activities (Successes - Breakthroughs - Achievements).

Discussion topics are:

  • Russia during the coronavirus pandemic actively introduced digital technologies not only in healthcare, but also in metrology
  • The pandemic has given impetus to the development of digitalization of the metrology industry
  • Metrology in vaccine production technology. Quality control
  • Use of digital technologies in the metrology industry during a pandemic
  • How the introduction of digital technologies in metrology made it possible to organize assistance to citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • World experience in the implementation of digital technologies in metrology
  • Impact of digitalization on the metrology industry
  • New reality of breakthrough ideas and opportunities in metrology
  • Best Practices: How Metrologists Improve the Efficiency of Russia’s Largest Enterprises
  • How digitalization affects metrology in general
  • What metrology will be in 10 years

The program includes an active discussion, exchange of experience and proposals between the participants of the metrological community.

Join us!

- Link to the post of the current exhibition of achievements of Russian metrologists https://metrol.online/ 

- Link to the conference for World Metrology Day https://metrol.online/metrology-day 


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Russian Federation (VNIIMS/VNIIM)

Posted: 2021-04-21 @ 14:56 UTC+2



World Metrology Day 2021 in the Russian Federation - VNIIMS/VNIIM

On 19 May 2021, the Russian Research Institute for Metrological Service (VNIIMS) and the D.I. Mendeleev All-Russian Institute for Metrology (VNIIM) are organizing a public discussion “Measurement for Health”, which is the main Russian event to celebrate World Metrology Day 2021.

An internet broadcast on the Rosstandart YouTube Channel will start at 14.00 Moscow time (UTC +3).

Metrologists from different countries, medical researchers, representatives of pharmaceutical companies and public organizations will unite to discuss online cross-industry experience and prospects for cooperation in protecting society from COVID-19 and effectively restoring life in the post-pandemic reality.

Discussion topics are:

  • Metrological experience in solving current problems in the field of healthcare;
  • Development of international standards for the metrological support of measurements in healthcare;
  • Metrological support for the traceability of measurement results in laboratory medicine; and
  • Development of a reference materials database for healthcare that will improve the quality of life.

For the complete agenda, click here.


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Saint Lucia (SLBS)

Posted: 2021-05-19 @ 19:05 UTC+2


2021 World Metrology Day in Saint Lucia

Saint Lucia will join the rest of the world in the observance of World Metrology Day on Thursday 20th May 2021. Saint Lucia will commemorate the occasion with a webinar on the quality and accuracy of blood pressure meters.

The webinar entitled “Validation and Verification of the Accuracy of Blood Pressure Monitors” is targeted at medical professionals, representatives from the Ministries of Health and Commerce, the Attorney General’s Chambers, officials involved in PAHO’s HEARTS in the Americas Initiative, representatives from the St. Lucia Diabetes and Hypertension Association and importers of blood pressure meters.

The virtual meeting will provide an opportunity for stakeholders to discuss the improvement of the regulatory framework for the importation and use of blood pressure meters on the island by reference to a recently published Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) paper and the updated OIML Recommendations for verification of blood pressure meters.

To download the World Metrology Day 2021 Press Release on Saint Lucia’s WMD event and details of the webinar from the Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards (SLBS), the NMI and NLMI of the island nation of Saint Lucia, please click here. The SLBS poster is available on the Posters page of this website, and more information is available on the SLBS website.

Update 2021-06-16: Download the PDF copy of Saint Lucia’s WMD 2021 presentation on “Validation and Verification of the Accuracy of Blood Pressure Monitors”: click here


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Saudi Arabia (NMCC)

Posted: 2021-05-20 @ 16:35 UTC+2


Saudi Arabia organizes the International Metrology Forum on May 25, 2021

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, represented by the National Measurement and Calibration Center (NMCC) at SASO, is organizing the International Metrology Forum under the theme “Measurement for Health” on May 25th, 2021, coinciding with the celebration of World Metrology Day, under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Commerce, Chairman of the Board of Directors of SASO, Dr. Majid bin Abdullah Al-Kasabi.

The organization of this forum comes amid international participation, where the scientific activities of the forum are conducted by the participation of Dr. Martin Milton, Director of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM), Mr. Anthony Donnellan, Director of the International Bureau of Legal Metrology (BIML), Prof. Graham Machin from the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), United Kingdom, as well as the Assistant of the Minister and Spokesman of the Saudi Ministry of Health, Dr. Muhammad Al-Abdulaali, and the Executive Vice President of the Medical Devices Sector at the Saudi Food and Drug Authority Eng. Ali bin Mohsen Al-Dhalaan, and Dr. Ismail Al-Faleh, General Director of the National Measurement and Calibration Center (NMCC) in Saudi Arabia.

For more details please download the information sheet which is available in English or in Arabic. For the complete program in English click here and for the program in Arabic click here.

To register and join in the forum activities and sessions, please click here.


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Singapore (NMC)

Posted: 2021-04-30 @ 09:35 UTC+2


Invitation to World Metrology Day 2021: Singapore (20 May 2021)

A*STAR’s National Metrology Centre and Health Sciences Authority would like to cordially invite you to World Metrology Day Singapore 2021

The theme for World Metrology Day 2021 is Measurement for Health. To celebrate this year’s World Metrology Day, we have planned an exciting series of talks from both the metrology and health fields. The speakers will share their views on how measurement methods are critical in achieving quality health practices. The talks will be followed by an interactive panel discussion session, where participants may join in and present their views or raise questions.

There will be a series of talks on the following topics (speakers’ details will be shared nearer to the event date):

  • Non-contact body temperature screening devices in demand but are they reliable?
  • Quality assurance for routine clinical testing
  • Metrology in medical ultra-sound processes
  • How reference measurement procedures have, and could, support the molecular diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 and Perspectives on measurements for health from MedTech industry. 

A panel discussion will be organized after the talks. A moderator will submit relevant questions to the distinguished speakers. The audience may join in and raise questions during the discussion session. 


Registration is free and is on a first-come-first-served basis. Please register by clicking here.

We look forward to seeing you at the event. For enquiries, please contact Dr. Shilpa Manandhar at shilpam@nmc.a-star.edu.sg.


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Spain (CEM)

Posted: 2021-04-16 @ 14:00 UTC+2


World Metrology Day 2021 in Spain

On the occasion of World Metrology Day 2021, the Centro Español de Metrología (CEM), Spain, is organizing two online events:

19th May, 17:00 – 19:00 CEST “La Unidad de Tiempo: El segundo” (The Unit of Time: The Second): www.iies.es/events/la-unidad-de-tiempo-el-segundo. Language: Spanish
Webinar organized by the Metrology Committee of the Instituto de la Ingeniería de España, the Real Observatorio de la Armanda and the Centro Español de Metrología.

20th May, 10:00 – 14:00 (CEST) “Metrology and Health: a Binomial Warrant for Life Quality”. www.cem.es/es/actualidad/2021/webinar-sobre-metrologia-salud-binomio-garantia-calidad-vida . Languages: English and Spanish.
Online workshop organized by Centro Español de Metrología.


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Sri Lanka (MUSSD)

Posted: 2021-06-01 @ 10:25 UTC+2


2021 World Metrology Day in Sri Lanka

MUSSD, the National Metrology Institute in Sri Lanka, celebrated World Metrology Day 2021 on 20th May. Due to the prevailing situation of the COVID 19 pandemic, the celebration was restricted to an online event.

The aim was to open a technical and management platform for District Secretaries to provide updates on the scope of the MUSSD, and the conference mainly focused on the revision of the SI unit system, dissemination of metrology services to the health sector in Sri Lanka, and infrastructure development of the district metrology network (especially legal metrology).

For a detailed report on the event, please download this PDF file.


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Sweden (RISE)

Posted: 2021-05-21 @ 10:25 UTC+2


World Metrology Day 2021 in Sweden

The Swedish NMI, RISE AB, posted a story on the institute website www.ri.se describing the research and services related to measurement for health. The story was posted on May 20, but will remain on the website for future reference.

Please click here for more information (in Swedish).


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Switzerland (METAS)

Posted: 2021-05-11 @ 17:00 UTC+2


World Metrology Day 2021 in Switzerland

METAS, the National Metrology Institute of Switzerland, has published several short presentations (in German and in French) on topics related to measurements for health on a page of its website.

The topics dealt with in these presentations are laboratory medicine, radon, gas analysis, particles, ethanol and acoustics.

On the afternoon of 20 May 2021, METAS will be holding a webinar during which experts in the various fields will be ready to answer questions and discuss these topics.

We have produced and distributed a short trailer in German and in French to promote these activities related to World Metrology Day, which can be seen on the METAS YouTube Channel.


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United Kingdom (OPSS)

Posted: 2021-05-24 @ 12:10 UTC+2


2021 World Metrology Day in the United Kingdom

The Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) supported World Metrology Day 2021 on social media on Thursday 20th May. Our account was in the top 5 % of 758 contributors overall, and ranked 6 by the number of retweets (24).

The top Tweets can be downloaded here.


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United States (NCSLI)

Posted: 2021-05-03 @ 09:40 UTC+2


World Metrology Day - NCSLI Live Webinar!

May 20, 2021 | 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM (MT)

Accurate Measurement for Patient Care - Metrological Traceability in Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Robert Wielgosz, Director, Chemistry Department, BIPM


May 20, 2021 | 9:30 AM – 10:00 AM (MT)

Ensuring Confidence in Measurement and Test Results
Dilip Shah, E=mc3 Solutions, ASQ Measurement Quality Division


May 20, 2021 | 10:30 AM – 11:00 AM (MT)
NPL Medical Ventilator Developments during the Pandemic of 2020
Jean Morris, Josh Schofield and Professor Paul Shore, NPL


May 20, 2021 | 11:00 AM – 11:30 AM (MT)
Standardizing Methods and Equipment for Safe Vaccine Transport, Storage, and Temperature Monitoring
Michal Chojnacky, Thermodynamic Metrology, NIST 

Register by clicking this link.


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Uzbekistan (UzNIM)

Posted: 2021-04-12 @ 09:45 UTC+2



Uzbekistan celebrates World Metrology Day 2021

On the occasion of World Metrology Day 2021, the Uzbek National Institute of Metrology (UzNIM) is planning a series of events in the form of video conferences.

Events dedicated to World Metrology Day are timed to unite the UzNIM, its regional branches, scientific and educational organizations, and the manufacturing sector in one online platform.

It is planned to give information about the implemented calibration and measurement capabilities of UzNIM, the need to establish metrological traceability of measurement results, as well as the important role of metrology in medicine.

For more information, please visit: www.nim.uz.


Ozbekistonda 2021 yil Butunjahon metrologiya kuni nishonlanadi

2021 yil Butunjahon metrologiya kuni munosabati bilan O‘zbekiston milliy metrologiya instituti (O‘zMMI) videokonferentsiya formatida bir qator tadbirlar o‘tkazishni rejalashtirmoqda.

Butunjahon metrologiya kuniga bag‘ishlangan tadbirlarda O‘zMMI, uning hududiy filiallari, fan va taʼlim tashkilotlari hamda ishlab chiqarish sektorini yagona onlayn platformada birlashtirish nazarda tutilmoqda.

Bunda, O‘zMMIning joriy etilgan kalibrlash va o‘lchash imkoniyatlari, o‘lchash natijalarining metrologik kuzatiluvchanligini taʼminlash zarurati, shuningdek, metrologiyaning tibbiyotdagi muhim o‘rni haqida maʼlumot berish rejalashtirilgan.

Batafsil maʼlumot olish uchun, www.nim.uz saytga marhamat.


Узбекистан отмечает Всемирный день метрологии 2021 года

По случаю Всемирного дня метрологии 2021 года, Узбекский национальный институт метрологии (УзНИМ) планирует проведение серию мероприятий в формате видеоконференцсвязи.

Мероприятия, приуроченные ко Всемирному дню метрологии, как ожидается, объединят УзНИМ, его региональные филиалы, научные и образовательные организации и производственный сектор на одной online площадке.

Планируется информирование о внедренных калибровочных и измерительных возможностях УзНИМ, необходимости установления метрологической прослеживаемости результатов измерений, а также важной роли метрологии в медицине.

Для получения дополнительной информации, пожалуйста, посетите: www.nim.uz.


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